Defines the standard paragraph style.
The flix-text
class adds styles for bodies of text and it can be added either to a paragraph or a paragraph wrapper, like so:
Normal paragraph, flix-text element
<p class="flix-text">
Normal paragraph, flix-text element
Flix-text as a text container
Styles are applied to HTML elements within the flix-text container. This can be useful when you want to style a generated text where you have less control on HTML elements and their classes (e.g text content in CMS systems or static sites generators).
So styles are automatically applied for links, highlighted text...
Or headings
And blockquotes as well
- Or list items
- list items
- and list items
- Or numbered list items
list items
- With a nested list item
- and other list items
<div class="flix-text">
<h2 class="hcr-h2-12-0-0-beta-2 toc-anchor">Flix-text as a text container</h2>
<p>Styles are applied to HTML elements within the flix-text container. This can be useful when you want to style a generated text where you have less control on HTML elements and their classes (e.g text content in CMS systems or static sites generators).</p>
<p>So styles are automatically applied for <a class="hcr-link-12-0-0-beta-2" href="#">links</a>, <mark>highlighted text</mark>...</p>
<h3 class="hcr-h3-12-0-0-beta-2 toc-anchor">Or headings</h3>
<blockquote class="hcr-blockquote-12-0-0-beta-2">And blockquotes as well</blockquote>
<li>Or list items</li>
<li>list items</li>
<li>and list items</li>
<li>Or numbered list items</li>
list items
<li>With a nested list item</li>
<li>and other list items</li>
The --small
modifier is a smaller text font for content with lower hierarchy.
Smaller variation of the flix-text element.
<p class="flix-text--small">
Smaller variation of the flix-text element.
Note: If you need to write copyright text or small print, consider using the fineprint instead.