
Fineprint is a small text which can be used to display non-crucial information.

The HTML <small> tag together with the class name .flix-fineprint are used for specifying fine print.

According to HTML specifications, <small> is an inline content element and should be placed inside of a block level element, preferably a paragraph. E.g.:

Small print (also referred to as "fine print" or "mouseprint") usually refers to the part of a document that contains disclaimers, caveats, or legal restrictions, such as copyrights.

This is the first sentence. This is some disclaimer about the first sentence.

<p class="flix-text">
    <small class="flix-fineprint">
        Small print (also referred to as &quot;fine print&quot; or &quot;mouseprint&quot;) usually refers to the part of a document that contains disclaimers, caveats, or legal restrictions, such as copyrights.

<p class="flix-text">
    This is the first sentence. <small class="flix-fineprint">This is some disclaimer about the first sentence.</small>

Notice! fineprint is not just "text with small font", it has semantic value and is used for specifying small print in a document. If what you need is just a smaller text font size, consider using flix-text--small on a paragraph instead.