
The avatar component helps identify users (or other entities).

Minimal avatar image component, default version accepts img element as picture.

<a class="flix-avatar" href="#header">
  <img class="flix-avatar__image" src="/img/avatar-placeholder.png" alt="Picture of John Doe"/>

Size variations

flix-avatar--smsmaller avatar
flix-avatar--lglarge avatar
flix-avatar--xlextra large avatar

Small avatar (sm)

Picture of John Doe

Normal avatar (default, no modifier needed)

Picture of John Doe

Large avatar (lg)

Picture of John Doe

Extra large avatar (xl)

Picture of John Doe
<h4 class="flix-h4 flix-h4--section-header">Small avatar (sm)</h4>
<a class="flix-avatar flix-avatar--sm" href="#header">
  <img class="flix-avatar__image" src="/img/avatar-placeholder.png" alt="Picture of John Doe"/>
<h4 class="flix-h4">Normal avatar (default, no modifier needed)</h4>
<a class="flix-avatar" href="#header">
  <img class="flix-avatar__image" src="/img/avatar-placeholder.png" alt="Picture of John Doe"/>
<h4 class="flix-h4">Large avatar (lg)</h4>
<a class="flix-avatar flix-avatar--lg" href="#header">
  <img class="flix-avatar__image" src="/img/avatar-placeholder.png" alt="Picture of John Doe"/>
<h4 class="flix-h4">Extra large avatar (xl)</h4>
<a class="flix-avatar flix-avatar--xl" href="#header">
  <img class="flix-avatar__image" src="/img/avatar-placeholder.png" alt="Picture of John Doe"/>

Large avatar with inline SVG

You can provide an inline SVG instead of <img /> element.

If that's the case you should put the SVG code into flix-avatar__image container and make sure to provide a title to it with contents similar to an img alt text:

<a class="flix-avatar flix-avatar--lg" href="#header">
  <div class="flix-avatar__image">
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 96 96.001">
      <title>Picture of John Doe</title>
      <g transform="translate(-95 -83.999)">
          <circle cx="48" cy="48" r="48" style="fill:#fff" transform="translate(95 84)"></circle>
          <g transform="translate(0 -30)">
              <path d="M-5045.293-4954.053a47.758 47.758 0 0 1-7.21-13.641 47.949 47.949 0 0 1-2.5-15.3 47.7 47.7 0 0 1 3.772-18.684 47.831 47.831 0 0 1 10.287-15.257 47.831 47.831 0 0 1 15.257-10.287A47.7 47.7 0 0 1-5007-5031a47.7 47.7 0 0 1 18.684 3.772 47.831 47.831 0 0 1 15.257 10.287 47.831 47.831 0 0 1 10.287 15.257A47.7 47.7 0 0 1-4959-4983a47.951 47.951 0 0 1-2.4 15.03 47.8 47.8 0 0 1-6.689 13.083 34.37 34.37 0 0 0-18-16.008 4.9 4.9 0 0 0-1.748-.319 5.042 5.042 0 0 0-3.174 1.128 24.264 24.264 0 0 1-7.354 4.148 24.307 24.307 0 0 1-8.1 1.383 24.306 24.306 0 0 1-8.1-1.383 24.264 24.264 0 0 1-7.354-4.148 5.048 5.048 0 0 0-3.164-1.12 5.011 5.011 0 0 0-1.752.315 34.846 34.846 0 0 0-18.461 16.835zm39.08-64.947c-9.867 0-17.894 9.45-17.894 21.064a24.082 24.082 0 0 0 1.41 8.188 21.591 21.591 0 0 0 3.841 6.7 18.042 18.042 0 0 0 5.688 4.521 15.45 15.45 0 0 0 6.954 1.66c9.869 0 17.9-9.45 17.9-21.066s-8.031-21.067-17.9-21.067z" style="fill:#ffcd64" transform="translate(5150 5145)"></path>
              <g style="fill:none;stroke:#ffcd64" transform="translate(95 114)">
                <circle cx="48" cy="48" r="48" style="stroke:none"></circle>
                <circle cx="48" cy="48" r="47.5" style="fill:none"></circle>